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Uganda: Day 14

Sometimes we start a day and you know that this Has to be a God day This is how I started today, my USB stick became curupted trying to transfer to a brothers device.

Crash no longer worketh.

All my notes, everything Gone. Cannot fix until back in the UK and no back up with me.

I was explaining this to the pastors and found myself preaching, not relying on what gives you security and having to let go of what we might call our safety strap and trust God, before I new I was giving reference to the paralysed man Mark 22, Women issue of blood Luke 8, Jesus teaching out of Peters boat Luke 5 and Jesus on the shore having prepared the disciples Breakfast.

In each instance having to let go of some form of security to allow God to work in their lives. Mine was the USB stick having at a moment's notice to let go and let the Holy Spirit lead.

In the afternoon following worship did a practical demonstration on Isaiah 55 not eating our seed, used a head of maize counted the seed (564) deducted tithe, and offering, planting remainder then calculate how many seeds you have in four years from planting just One seed. For everyone not enough ground to plant in. That is from not eating your seed.

Following Pstr Richard Nkunze spoke on the authority of the believer, why when we are seated in Christ we have to waste time pulling down strong holds and fighting Satan when he is already under our feet and we have authority through being in Christ.

The day was a another exciting time of ministry putting our absolute trust in Him.

Throw away that which captivates and holds you and put our trust in Christ Jesus.

When there you do not know how many people there are in the room I was told over 80 the first day nearly 100 today and tomorrow, a public holiday here in Uganda. Pray for the harvest.

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