“For I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ for it is the
power of God to salvation for everyone who believes.” Romans 1:16
Rev. Robert Baker is the founder of Gospellife International. He is a missionary with the firm purpose of preaching the Gospel to bring spiritual life to his hearers. Robert’s God-directed method is to provide material aid so that he can meet people’s physical needs while ministering to their spiritual needs.
Robert knows first-hand the power of the Gospel, having been miraculous healed from a severe back injury caused through his service in the RAF. Almost 20 years later, he had his first encounter with divine healing at a camp for the Boy’s Brigade, which is a Christian youth organisation. He was supposed to be assisting the leaders with the camp’s activities, but the pain prevented him from getting involved. The boys and officers on the camp prayed for Robert and, for the first time in years, the pain left his body! Although he experienced some reoccurrences of pain, he later received complete healing in his back and committed his life to the Lord.
Robert embarked on his first mission trip in 1989 to Iasi, Romania. The trip was neither Robert’s idea nor his desire; the Pastor of his then church asked him to go in his place. In response to the Pastor’s request, Robert drove a lorry full of aid from the UK to Romania and distributed the items through a local church. A year later when he returned to Isai, he knew that God had called him to mission work. Since then, he has travelled to numerous places around the globe taking aid and the good news of Jesus Christ with him.
1994 was a significant year for Robert: he married Mary and was ordained; Mary plays a vital part of the work that Robert undertakes through Gospellife International, providing much needed support and encouragement. She became a Christian at a Billy Graham rally when she was 12-years-old. Mary loves serving the Lord and assisting Robert’s endeavours.
There is no doubt that Gospellife International is making a difference in people’s lives. Already, thousands of people have been impacted and changed in the UK, Romania, Germany, Uganda, Kenya, America, Pakistan and Australia.